Friday, December 22, 2006

D***** rat! (aka moral dilemma)

Well, I gotta take my rat - sorry - hat off to him - he IS a smart rat. Any normal rat would have just upped sticks and ofted himself by now via whatever route he came in by. Between us (me, the young lady Methelette home for vacation, the electronic rat repeller, the trap and the smartest brains in the known universe-ity) we have the only other exit covered and we have deprived him of food and water. But, this is Basil, superat extraordinaire, the rat that knows no shame. He has quietened down - a lot. But quiet isn't gone. Yet. We seem to have two options left. The tried and tested (locally and under cover of darkness according to neighbourhood gossip) traditional stick and bag technique - courtesy of a man in a suit that should never be allowed out except when covered by cloak of night. Or, the appealingly named (well, to an educational technologist anyway) "electronic solution" - only 39-95, comes in own brown wrapper, no need for embarassing white van outside during procedure "Uses 4 x "C" cell batteries that will kill approximately 12 rats..." with its own "flasing indicator to show rat has been killed"...

Even more EEEK!


bluefluff said...

Is poison more cruel than starvation or electrocution, then?

methel said...

see - this is my dilemma - I actually want Basil to leave quietly. I haven't even tried poison and I'd settle for the bag and stick and have him carted off - but he just won't show his face!