Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My kind of bloke...

...has this kind of brain and this kind of timing, (Sir Ken Robinson posing the question 'Do schools kill creativity?' ). Thanks to Pete for having tracked it down.

Saturday, June 07, 2008


Spring cleaning took a little longer than planned because there was the small matter of the (fanfare of trumpets) Examinable Component! The joy of A215 has been poetry (yes, really) and the active encouragement to play about with words. For the EC this included playing about with jargon - Web 2.0 and the electronic gadgetry of daily life:

Status update – route recalculation

I’m not inter-net sex.
A Real-player
I’d rather have it untaxed
but not gross either.

You can come on over to my space
and Chatter
or, better, bebo-ld
‘coz twittering won’t un-Furl you
You’ll need to Digg

until perchance there’s a Flickr and
Yahoo! you’ll have fOUndIt.

My Skype?
e-Bay it’s hard to say
presently I’m wireless.
O’Reilly? I hear you cry.
Indeed, no more on Craigslist
but what the Flock
he was just Flash, a Shockwave and
finally I AdSense enough to see
he was just a wiki-d mash-up
all mouth and trousers, very little UGC.

So for now I’m goin’ to surf on
browse around a little more
tag along a few folks and RSS.
Later, if the bandwidth’s there,
if I’ve really reddit Writely
might Joost see if I can’t
StumbleUpon a syndication

and Google myself a Second Life.

Hope the examiners have a sense of humour.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Displacement activity

Trying to write the last bit of poetry for the end of course assessment but LM sent me this!