Wednesday, September 13, 2006

More about fixing the planet!

Seems like Big Al really is winning votes finally - having adopted the Ronald Reegan method - wow 'em with a movie. The story is compelling: a planet in jeapody, millions of lives at stake and a superhero (also, interestingly called Al) with the key to saving the lot! Even the critics are hailing it as worthy of a look. But, hark, just a moment, surely this can't be the same Big Al who not so many years ago came to visit our special corner of the planet in Southern Africa and insisted on flying in (on a separate cargo plane) his own limo - so that he would not have to use any of our 'unsafe' local vehicles to drive the 5 or so miles between the airport and the President's Palace where he was expected for a light lunch en route to who knows where?

Enough said.

1 comment:

bluefluff said...

That'll be the same Big Al who invented the Internet not long ago & is now moving on to saving the world? Methinks Big Al has "reality issues".