Monday, August 28, 2006

New career

OK, so I've decided I'm going to give up on the academic life since it seems impossible to convince anyone to give "such an old person" even an interview - I'm heading for the open road and the wideopen spaces across the plains and far away as a new age trucker. No more 9-5 and scrabbling in the rush hour traffic of suburbia, Wyoming here I come!


bluefluff said...

This is where my semi-autistic literalism kicks in & causes problems. Are you really planning to become a truck driver, or is this just your way of expressing an ironic disillusionment with the current situation?
I've not encountered ageism, but then I've not tried for a "proper job" - I'm content to be a fulltime part-timer.

methel said...

Sorry Bluefluff, I do tend towards irony - with the odd rhetorical romp thrown in for good measure sometimes... See, in my head the trucker plan seems a really first class way of seeing the rest of the world but, of course, there is just one small catch - the rest of the family are not so keen. Not that I don't like the academic life, but reconciling my wandering eccentric self with the profile that gets ahead in that world (embracing hair dye and keeping my opinions to myself) is an uphill struggle - watch this space to see which one wins through!

bluefluff said...

I'll be watching :-)