Friday, February 10, 2006

Once your eyes are opened...

This identity thing is starting to get serious. Wandering around a new (to me) part of the building today I noticed a sign 'Male toilet upstairs'. Unable to resist, I went upstairs but, alas, no corresponding female sign to be found! Instead, next to a door marked 'Male' was a sign with an arrow 'Accessible toilet'. Further down a long corridor however another door insisted 'Accessible toilet ONLY - please use toilets on other floors'. I retired, confused...


bluefluff said...

What a wonderful example of Newspeak - "accessible" meaning "inaccessible"! :-)

bluefluff said...

It's been a week now - hope you're not locked in a loo!! :-)

methel said...

bluefluff - thanks for your concern - actually I've been contemplating forgoing the pleasure of even attempting any further encounter with any politically correct public convenience but, realisitically, that's a little impratical as I have discovered this week. "him indoors" has just been told he must have major surgery in a few days and we've had occassion to visit a number of health related "outlets" - to judge by experiences thus far by the time he has been "fixed" we will have enough stories for an entire book! If I don't appear in print for a while you will know what I am up to! ;-)