Thursday, July 31, 2008

Alternative poetry - the Wordle way

Another way of looking at the final assignment for A215:

- not really enough repetition to give big variations in size - more a demonstration of a wide vocabulary but I think the themes out themselves quite nicely in blue.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

'Witnesses say french fries helped calm bin Laden driver'

Surely one of the more eccentric headlines of the year - from Yahoo news today - reporting on the goings on at Guantamamo Bay. The story continues by confirming that the fries came from Macdonalds and the driver in question did not appreciate them when they were cold. Can we conclude from this that the US military had their own franchise on the base?? A headline that, frankly, begs more questions than it answers.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Violators will be slapped...

Found this again whilst trying to sort out pictures littered over hard drive, Flickr, pen drive, CDs etc. etc. - still puzzling over it two years after encountering it at a Canadian University... another of those "is it ME?" occassions. Ho hum.